Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love Poured Out - the bonds of community

I recently have had the sweet pleasure of being the recipient of blessings. Normally I am the one serving and giving and bringing the smiles and jokes. But this time I am on the receiving end of it all.

In a nutshell, over the last 3 or so years my sweet hubby was in an intense nursing program. Those of you who know a nurse or are one know the stress this brings. On top of that my hubby had TWO back surgeries AND was in the hospital for a skin condition (I may write about that another time)
So needless to say I was feeling like a single parent taking care of 4 kids (3girls + hubby)! I, of course, ignored my needs and threw myself into my family. Yes, I did learn a huge lesson to be careful of doing such things. More on that another time maybe. But I noticed about a year ago I was having dental issues. We were on Med. Asst. so dental is crap for adults! Only cleanings are covered. So as not to add to our debt further, I kept my mouth shut on it (not like me) and I did what I could to keep it at bay. Interesting how after my husband landed a job that my jaw began to hurt REALLY bad. I mean BAD! I finally told my husband what was going on. He, of course, said to find a dentist. Even though we will have insurance soon the company we will be under only covers so much. But still I could not go on not sleeping and dealing with the pain. So found a dentist and I am on a treatment plan for my issues. The price tag was a large shock! So we asked for help. I was truly touched by the love and support and comfort I received. I am still being encouraged to share the original note with others. So below is a copied version of what I wrote.

I am so thankful and humbled by everyone's words!!! Thank you, its not enough, but thank you so much! I will find a way to show you all how this has effected and touched me.


I was encouraged by a friend to just write this and put it out there. I wish it was not so hard for me to ask for help. It is a muscle I am having to exercise lately! I become flooded with negative ideas/thoughts that by asking for help I become a sight of drama and laziness, that I should just button up, shut up and deal.

In the deep part of my heart I know that is not true and I deep down don't believe anyone that knows me well would ever think of me that way. But that is the job of Devil/Tempter/Whatever you call him or it.

Well here goes:

Many of you know that for the last 3-4 years Chris has been out of work and doing his nursing program. Well thankfully a couple weeks ago he landed a job! Things are new, things are hard, but at least they are moving! With the time spent in school we occurred a lot of debt. Not from bad habits, just Life really. You know, people need to eat and be heated:)
Anyway, in that time I began having dental issues. I kept very VERY silent on them (this is not typical of me and even surprised me that I was so quiet on it all) but I did, I kept quiet so as not to add to the stress we were under (both $$ and emotionally).

Well the issues had grown to a point where I just could not handle it anymore without crying or becoming depressed and recluse. So I found a dentist I really like. He did an extremely thorough exam and found a lot of stuff that was not good:( Dr. Sambataro is a holistic dentist, he treats the whole body in order to treat and cure the issues, not just treat the symptoms only to have them return later.

So where am I going with this? (told you this is hard for me)
The treatment needed is a 12 week plan focused on the TMJ issues. Since our insurance has not kicked in, and even when it does, they will not cover much.... the procedure is going to cost $6500.00!!!!
I know, its a lot. I have already had one week of treatment and have noticed a difference! I can not tell you the hope and relief I feel!

Well what I am putting out to everyone is, we need help with the costs. Again this is hard to ask, but I need to ask. I know it sounds like lip service, but it is true that anything and any amount is never too little.

I want to say that I appreciate you even taking the time to hear me out on this. Prayers are helpful and words of encouragement are always welcomed too.

Thanks for listening (reading)


PS: I nearly forgot the PayPal (thanks for saying something Gene)
you can send it to slatey75@gmail.com
I think you put it under other or gift? I am not good with that stuff.

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