Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hello Intro!

Hello everyone out there in blog land, this is my first official blog page. (be patient as I figure it all out). I have been feeling God calling to do a blog for some time now, but was thinking I would not have the time to keep up with it, especially raising 3 small ones and caring for my hubby!
But then when I took a hard look at how much time I spent on Facebook and Pinterest...well let's just say I ran out of excuses.

"DoSum" ( say it as Do Some) came out of a late night awake thinking about how I just want to do something with myself to make a difference to others. I have struggled watching and reading about things going on in the world and wishing I could be more on the front lines to help. But then I realized I can still help, even in small measurements. I have come to peace with the fact that I am in a season of life where my main objective is to raise my three girls to become Jesus' hands and feet. To go and make an awesome impact on this world. And in the meantime there ware ways someone like me (and maybe you) can help make a difference. Whether is it helping someone get a meal for a day or clearing up a Pin we saw, or even giving a word of encouragement.
Do Sum is a place where I want to DO things and the SUM of them equals something great. The more I (we) do, the bigger the SUM (impact) is!


So keep a watchful eye out. I will work to update and add to this blog 2-3 times at least a week.

May you have a great day!

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