Saturday, July 21, 2012

How a Mom of 3 can give

Yes as I mentioned before I wish I could be on the front lines, working with my hands to make this world a better place. I am not one to just sit and complain about an issue, I like working towards a resolve! And when I can't I get rather frustrated.
But I am leaning how I can give and have peace with what I CAN do.

One of the ways to give is prayer. It's free and very VERY effective.

We are not loaded with cash either, but we find if we do things like save our pocket change, we can build up something to donate by the end of the month. Some of my favorite charities are HungerStrike (, Compassion International (

Charities (Off Beat)
For some off beat charities I suggest this list compiled on squidoo ( Off Beat ones can be fun and for some less depressing in subject. Not to be mean, but some folks are uncomfortable and have a hard time processing the emotions that come with subjects like that. is another.

Charities (no $$ involved)
Donations are another great way! Whether its your time, your talent, or something you have around the house. Here is a great list
And yes, all charities need money to run things, but its nice to know there are other ways to help.

Do you sew, paint, write, clean, blog, fix things, work well with kids or special needs? Do you have a great reading voice? Do you enjoy making cheap videos? Love to make music? Do you dance or have some activity or sport you enjoy? Find a way to plug it into your community. Don't want to do it alone/ Don't then! It is always more fun (and less frightening) to have a buddy or more. Examples:  Say you paint or draw well, go visit some elderly folks and offer to create a picture for them. It can be of their vision of paradise or just of something they like, or even a colorful abstract! If you do some searching online or contact your local community, there are grants out there that may pay for your art supplies. Another example: Get to know your neighbors (I hope to start this in the Fall in my community) have a Stoop Soup' night. It's a night (ether once a week or biweekly or once a month) where you create a HUGE pot of soup. Send out fliers or leave notes on your neighbors. Or if you are bold, go door to door and spread by word of mouth. And if you are like our community, we have a Facebook page :D. Either way, make this pot of soup, invite folks over. Sit, chat and enjoy! (if weather is bad you can have folks inside. We are in a townhome, if we can make it work, anyone can!) Plus folks normally come in waves. AND if little or no one shows, you have leftovers for the week!!! Who knows you may find someone else may want to host on a rotational basis!
(those are just a few ideas. You can comment and I'd be happy to help generate ideas for you and your particular talents)

Hope this gives some helpful starts!

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