Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PinTries - This No Sew DIY produce bag

Yes I am on a role this evening!! I have been wanting to cut down on the amount of waste and garbage we produce. Especially plastic bags!

I happened across a lovely blog on Pinterest about how to DIY your own produce bag from an old shirt. It was very easy and simple.
But I'll admit, some days I just don't feel like sewing or have the time or space to haul my machine out. SO...

I thought of a NO SEW solution!

Take a simple tank top (I got this free from a friend) They are inexpensive as anything and the straps act as built in handles!

Simply turn the tank inside out and tie the end.

Then turn the tank right side out again and voila!!!
You have the option of cutting slits into it if you'd like, but the material on this particular tank was breathable that I did not see the point in doing so.

I am already looking around the house for tanks of various sizes and colors. Even at the camis my daughters no longer wear.

Have fun and again, feel free to leave comments below.

PinTries - Grilled Eggplant Stuffed with Spinach and Cheese

Yup you heard right, sounds yummy doesn't it?!!

I was at an old favorite restaurant of mine recently and I saw this on the menu. Of course it was awesome. Once I got home I decided to look on Pinterest to see if could find a recipe so I could duplicate it myself!

Came across this lovely blog site entitled, "Yummy Mummy!" (what an adorable title)
Here is the link to the original recipe

I followed the recipe to the letter.
And here is my outcome:
Not too shabby I have to say:)

What I recommend for next time is brushing the tops of the eggplants with olive oil or something like it.

Give it a shot. I am totally open to suggestions below!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pinable - Co-sleep ideas

Goodness its been a while! Vacation does that to you! But I am back with more ideas!
The image above is of a changing pad/pillow. We had one on top of our dresser in the baby room. There are many uses for these wonderful inventions. (BTW, this photo is from Land of Nod products) I know many out there DIY their own and that is wonderful.

On to the first use:

1) You can use these pads as a co-sleeping product. By simply placing it between you and your mate or you and the wall (if your bed is positioned in such a way)
It keeps you from bumping baby, its inexpensive and the raised sides keep baby in place.

2) these are great for around the house to keep baby in place as well. Whether you keep baby napping near you or you have to run to the potty (hey it happens), this wonderful product works well.

This saves you have money and space from those larger co-sleeping devices.

This one is short!

I welcome comments and other suggestions for this lovely item.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pinable - Wipes + Chalkboard = Clean Fun!

Hello everyone. I wanted to share a fun idea with all of you out there. Using wipes on chalkboard! Its so much fun! Baby wipes are pretty in expensive. I am hoping to try this with travel sized boards in car on trips. Wipes are great cause they are not soaking wet and can be tossed (not that I am trying to not be eco-unfriendly) Just for those in a pinch moments. We personally have a large stash of eco-friendly wipes and I do not mind using a couple in a jam.

You can do adapt this for traveling or being inside or out. And yes, do keep in mind the age of the child using this. You know you child best and your own tolerance for mess:) So adjust these suggestions accordingly.

For some more eco-friendly and DIY-able alternatives:
-Make your own chalkboard paint (just google or go on pinterest)
-Paint any flat surface with your chalkboard paint.
-Instead of wipes you can try a damp wash cloth (I suggest going to the local goodwill or dollar store, or hitting up your local walmart's clearance section for these)
-get some inexpensive sponges and cut them into cubes or shapes, either have them damp or keep a fairly soaked wash cloth in a cup/container nearby for re-wetting.
-Don't want or like getting their hands wet? Then hot glue the sponges to the underside of plastic bottle caps or container lids (good way to upcycle those items)

Outdoor Fun:
My girls enjoy being outside in our teeny yard with a cup of water and paint brushes. They "paint" the stone patio, the fence, the wood steps. And I have also taken their easel outside for them to water paint on paper too! I have also seen the cheap bed sheet pinned to the fence water painting on Pinterest before.

Have fun. Please leave comments below and I'd love to hear other suggestions.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pinable - Goat Cheese Cranberry Salad with vinaigrette

So since I am so in love with food, I often try to find new and yummy dishes that I like. And when I get a super yummy one when I am out and about my brain just can not seem to stop thinking about how I could recreate that same experience at home.

Since we are living on extremely frugal means, I do this often. I do get to go out, but not much. I don't think that should deny me from fantastic food action.

There is a local cafe in Baltimore called Tealove, I HIGHLY recommend them!!! Great food, Great atmosphere and really great live entertainment!!!
Well a dear friend turned me onto their Goat Cheese Cranberry salad with a sweet vinaigrette. I fell for this dish hard!!! Since then I have been trying to figure out what it is.
WELLLLLLLLL, I happened to be in Roots when I came upon Brianna's Home Style Blush Wine Vinaigrette dressing! I quickly snagged it and grabbed some goat cheese, dried cranberries and some salad greens.

First time try...SUCCESS!!! Now, it is not 100% like the one I had at Teavolve but dang if it isn't a close second!!!

I encourage you to try this

All it is:

-Favorite Salad greens
- Dried Cranberries (like Crasions if you like those)
- Chopped/Crumbled Goat Cheese
- Brianna's Home Style Blush Wine Vinaigrette dressing


Try and enjoy!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love Poured Out - the bonds of community

I recently have had the sweet pleasure of being the recipient of blessings. Normally I am the one serving and giving and bringing the smiles and jokes. But this time I am on the receiving end of it all.

In a nutshell, over the last 3 or so years my sweet hubby was in an intense nursing program. Those of you who know a nurse or are one know the stress this brings. On top of that my hubby had TWO back surgeries AND was in the hospital for a skin condition (I may write about that another time)
So needless to say I was feeling like a single parent taking care of 4 kids (3girls + hubby)! I, of course, ignored my needs and threw myself into my family. Yes, I did learn a huge lesson to be careful of doing such things. More on that another time maybe. But I noticed about a year ago I was having dental issues. We were on Med. Asst. so dental is crap for adults! Only cleanings are covered. So as not to add to our debt further, I kept my mouth shut on it (not like me) and I did what I could to keep it at bay. Interesting how after my husband landed a job that my jaw began to hurt REALLY bad. I mean BAD! I finally told my husband what was going on. He, of course, said to find a dentist. Even though we will have insurance soon the company we will be under only covers so much. But still I could not go on not sleeping and dealing with the pain. So found a dentist and I am on a treatment plan for my issues. The price tag was a large shock! So we asked for help. I was truly touched by the love and support and comfort I received. I am still being encouraged to share the original note with others. So below is a copied version of what I wrote.

I am so thankful and humbled by everyone's words!!! Thank you, its not enough, but thank you so much! I will find a way to show you all how this has effected and touched me.


I was encouraged by a friend to just write this and put it out there. I wish it was not so hard for me to ask for help. It is a muscle I am having to exercise lately! I become flooded with negative ideas/thoughts that by asking for help I become a sight of drama and laziness, that I should just button up, shut up and deal.

In the deep part of my heart I know that is not true and I deep down don't believe anyone that knows me well would ever think of me that way. But that is the job of Devil/Tempter/Whatever you call him or it.

Well here goes:

Many of you know that for the last 3-4 years Chris has been out of work and doing his nursing program. Well thankfully a couple weeks ago he landed a job! Things are new, things are hard, but at least they are moving! With the time spent in school we occurred a lot of debt. Not from bad habits, just Life really. You know, people need to eat and be heated:)
Anyway, in that time I began having dental issues. I kept very VERY silent on them (this is not typical of me and even surprised me that I was so quiet on it all) but I did, I kept quiet so as not to add to the stress we were under (both $$ and emotionally).

Well the issues had grown to a point where I just could not handle it anymore without crying or becoming depressed and recluse. So I found a dentist I really like. He did an extremely thorough exam and found a lot of stuff that was not good:( Dr. Sambataro is a holistic dentist, he treats the whole body in order to treat and cure the issues, not just treat the symptoms only to have them return later.

So where am I going with this? (told you this is hard for me)
The treatment needed is a 12 week plan focused on the TMJ issues. Since our insurance has not kicked in, and even when it does, they will not cover much.... the procedure is going to cost $6500.00!!!!
I know, its a lot. I have already had one week of treatment and have noticed a difference! I can not tell you the hope and relief I feel!

Well what I am putting out to everyone is, we need help with the costs. Again this is hard to ask, but I need to ask. I know it sounds like lip service, but it is true that anything and any amount is never too little.

I want to say that I appreciate you even taking the time to hear me out on this. Prayers are helpful and words of encouragement are always welcomed too.

Thanks for listening (reading)


PS: I nearly forgot the PayPal (thanks for saying something Gene)
you can send it to
I think you put it under other or gift? I am not good with that stuff.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colorado...thoughts and suggested reading

I simply can not put into words properly this event. But a friend shared this link with me and I really want to pass it along. It is an uplifting post regarding the event. I know how can there be anything uplifting. Read this post and you will see what I mean.